Dr. B R Athani

Sustainable rural livelihoods Community organisation

Primarily building the women as SHGs, shepherds, farmers and lamb fatteners, weavers, nonfarm artisans, etc as Activity Based Groups (ABGs). Nurture them through training and capacity building, financial literacy, promoting and handholding new livelihood activities, helping scaleup the existing micro enterprises, health and hygiene, etc

Types of activities undertaken:


Enabling access to need based finance for supporting entrepreneurial activities. So far, 1040 SHGs are linked to micro-finance from lending institutions, placed around Rs 678 million, with repayment rate of 99.12%  under B&DC arrangements.

Entrepreneurship development

Through women led commodity value-chain Build capacities of groups for scaling up their microentrepreneural competencies’ achieve sustainability. 6 Aggregation centers are managed by women cadres.

Promotion and nurturing of FPOs

 We enable market access for producer groups through network of community owned institutions like FPOs and FPCs, artisanal collectives as we did for weaver women.

Market linkage

Under buyback arrangement and also through aggregation model: We promote value addition and built a brand for their products viz., Simply Satwik. We have developed network of dealers, retailers and consumers to ensure sustainability.

Our Brands

Our Pride Institutions